Model | Ice Making Capacity | Rated Power | Circulacing Water Pump Power | Cooling Water Pump Capacity | Cooling Fan Capacity | Machine Dimension | Weight Of Machine |
No | Ton/24h | Kw | Kw | Kw | Kw | WxHxL(mm) | KG |
CV1000 | 1.0 | 3.60 | 0.37 | 1.5 | 0.37 | 1200*1000*1600 | 800 |
CV2000 | 2.0 | 7.11 | 0.37 | 1.5 | 0.55 | 1630*1600*1686 | 1000 |
CV3000 | 3.0 | 9.68 | 0.37 | 2.2 | 0.75 | 1980*1630*1840 | 1200 |
CV5000 | 5.0 | 17.47 | 0.55 | 2.2 | 1.5 | 2890*1780*1840 | 1600 |
CV8000 | 8.0 | 28.52 | 1.1 | 4 | 1.5 | 4820*1780*2000 | 2500 |
CV10000 | 10.0 | 37.68 | 1.1 | 4 | 1.5 | 5730*1780*2000 | 3000 |
CV15000 | 15.0 | 52.41 | 1.65 | 5.5 | 2.2 | 8620*1780*2000 | 4500 |
CV20000 | 20.0 | 75.36 | 2.2 | 8 | 3 | 11460*1780*2100 | 6000 |
Product Features
We provide two different kinds of ice moulds, optional ice size :22*22*22, 29*29*22.
Large production volume: the design is according to the harsh outdoor environment to insure the products rate , the production rate can reach 90% to 95% when the summer, the production rate can reach 100% to 130% when the ambient temperature is lower than 23 centi degree (the small ice making machine’s productions rate is 50% to 60% when is summer)
Low electric power consumption: we adopt first-class compressor and refrigeration originals and adopt sophisticated detailed design to insure the products reach firts-class energy saving and environment protective standart. In summer the electric poer comsumption is about 85kw.h when producing. 1 ton ice. When the ambient temperatire is lower than 23 centi degree, the electric power compsution is 70 to 80 wheb producing 1 ton ice. (the small ice making machine’s electric power consumption is 150 to 160 for producing 1 ton ice).
Easy to operate: we adopt PLC system design one-key operation to start or stop the machine, automatically adjust ice thickness, automatically match the change of ambient temperature, automatically supplay ice making water don,t need to manually adjust. Automatically ice outgoing. System if match with specially automatic ice packing equipment, it not only saved man power, but also ensured safe to eat, meet sanitary requirements, abvously improved competitive advantage of ice.
Space-saved: machine unit adopt 3D model, reasonable layout, integrated design, the structure is very compact.
Convenient to install: the machine unit had been teted in our factory for 24 hours contonously. So , the machine unit can start once electtric poer has been connected and water supply has been conected , ka, mix wines, cool foodstiffs, make ice pastries and keep fresh eact.
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, www.muraibatusurabaya.com, www.ourkomodotour.com, www.platnorumah.com, www.fotocopycanonsurabaya.com, www.materialproyek-pp.com, www.sandybajasurabaya.co.id, www.rentalalatukur.com, www.latto-tourtravel.com, www.mitraciptanusa.net, www.rentalmobilmurahbatam.com, www.primaanugerahperkasa.com, www.andinisalonspasurabaya.com, www.canopymurahsidoarjo.com, www.canopymurahsidoarjosurabaya.com, www.ratuundangansouvenir.com, www.tdphotoprojects.com, www.tokotekniksurabaya.com, www.xazongas.com, www.spesialisbenihkangkung.com, www.jualgensetsurabaya.com, www.sedotwcmajujaya.com, www.sedotwcmurahdewaamor.com